When you know all of this about yourself, you look at your life differently.
In this episode of the Beauty of Conflict, Susan and CrisMarie are joined again by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, continuing the discussion about the knowledge in her book “Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life.” Picking up from the previous conversation they shared, this time, they discuss how to apply Whole Brain Living once you’ve already identified the four characters in your brain. One needs to spend time looking at the characters' meaning and purpose, as all of them bring valuable contributions when making decisions, including little insecure character two. Dr. Jill speaks about bringing Whole Brain Living to businesses and how her program benefits not only their employees but also leaders. She shares some peeks at her plans with her programs as they are currently on a roll, spreading worldwide.
Tune in to this episode to learn what you can do once you’ve learned about the four characters that drive your life!
About our Guest - Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroscientist. In 1996 she experienced a severe hemorrhage (AVM) in the left hemisphere of her brain causing her to lose the ability to walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. Her memoir, My Stroke of Insight, documenting her experience with stroke and eight-year recovery, spent 63 weeks on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list and is still routinely the #1 book in the category Stroke in the Amazon marketplace.
Dr. Jill is a dynamic teacher and public speaker who loves educating all age groups, academic levels, as well as corporations and not-for-profit organizations about the beauty of our human brain. She focuses on how we can activate the power of our neuroplasticity to not only recover from neurological trauma, but how we can purposely choose to live a more flexible, resilient, and satisfying life.
In 2008 Dr. Jill gave the first TED talk that ever went viral on the Internet, which now has well over 27.5 million views. Also in 2008, Dr. Jill was chosen as one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” and was the premiere guest on Oprah Winfrey’s “Soul Series” webcast. Her new book, Whole Brain Living – the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life is a #1 release on Amazon in categories ranging from Neuroscience to Nervous System Diseases and Stroke.
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Key Take-Aways
Why it’s important to keep track of your character two.
Why Jill won’t do Whole Brain Living training for organizations without leadership present.
How Whole Brain Living and identifying the four characters can be used to learn more about your workplace.
What practice can do for your B.R.A.I.N. huddle skills.
Jill’s plans for Whole Brain Living’s future.
Get your copy of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s latest book Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life here!
Read about Dr. Jill’s journey of recovery from a stroke in her book My Stroke of Insight here!
Read The 90 Second Rule here
Discover more resources at Dr. Jill’s website!
Reach out to Dr. Jill at DrJill@DrJillTaylor.com
Listen to Part 1 of this interview here.
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CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke
Coaches, Business Consultants, Speakers and Authors of The Beauty of Conflict
CrisMarie and Susan work with leaders and teams, couples in business, and professional women.
They help dysfunctional turnaround teams into high-performing, cohesive teams who trust each other, deal with differences directly, and have clarity and alignment on their business strategy, so they create great results.
Watch their TEDx Talk: Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It!
Order their new book, The Beauty of Conflict for Couples: Igniting Passion, Intimacy, and Connection in Your Relationship.
Download the eBook, How to Talk About Difficult Topics, today!